For my art and science project, I decided to make an original painting. This painting shows the new and the old ways of looking at science. As the old way of looking at science was very mechanical and predictable, I decided to show it as a clock. I chose a clock because a clock is one of the most predictable machines as it works with gears and it tells time. My painting is of a clock broken into pieces to show that behind everything, we use both the old and new science theories. The pieces of the clock that represent the old ways of looking at things (pre-quantum) are in black and white to clarify that they old and the roman numerals on the clock are to inform that pre-quantum was before the 20th century as many clocks from before the 20th century would use roman numerals. The pieces of the clock that represent the new way of looking at science (quantum) are very colorful to show a modern time as quantum science started in the 20th century at the beginning of the industrial revolution. The background of these pieces was painted to look like it could be stone to emphasize the age of the pieces. In quantum theory, there is a lot of uncertainty and unpredictability, so the clock representing that is going in a spiral and doesn’t necessarily make sense. This is to show the unpredictable side of quantum sciences. The painting method used for the quantum pieces of the clock is pointillism. Pointillism was used to show particles going into a wave in the spiral. This is to represent wave-particle duality in quantum science. Wave-particle duality is a concept that states that an electron has the ability to act as a particle and a wave. So the points of color are to show electrons behaving as particles and they are going in the shape of a spiral to show that they are moving as some sort of wave at the same time. Between the pieces of the clock, there is only emptiness. I represented the emptiness with the color black as black shows that there is nothing there. What this emptiness is representing is all of the undiscovered things in the world. It shows that there are still many unanswered questions and that we have yet to answer them. There is still so much we have yet to discover and once everything is known, the pieces of the clock will be together as everything will be explained and it will connect together to make sense.